

Welcome to my blog. I drink wine and then write about it. Cheers!

Voga Pinot Grigio and Red Fusion

Voga Pinot Grigio and Red Fusion

After not updating this for a while I’m going to do a double tasting of two wines that have absolutely nothing in common, except that they are made from the same company. Voga Pinot Grigio and Voga Red Fusion. Both Italian wines that really surprised me.

The Pinot Grigio was a pale lemon color, nothing too impressive on the nose except for a bit of butter. The taste on the other hand was completely unexpected: buttery and rich with flavors of pineapple and peach, a little toast as well which made me wonder if it had gone through malolactic fermentation.

The Red Fusion (which is the coolest way to say red blend) was a deep ruby color, with blackberry and nail polish on the nose. The taste was very dark fruit with a lot of blackberry and plum, but also had a bit of sweetness that I couldn’t quite place. Maybe sherbet?

The Pinot Grigio is what really surprised me here, I was expecting a neutral white wine, but instead got this rich and flavorful white wine. The Red was you’re standard red blend but it does have a cool name so you know, bonus points.

In all honesty the only reason I picked these up is because the bottle reminded me of a Voss water bottle and I couldn’t stop talking like Mark Wahlberg while I was drinking it. After googling Mark Wahlberg and Voss water I found out they aren’t related in any way… I don’t know why I thought they were, but I can only assume that Marky Mark is the type of person to spend $10 a bottle for Finnish tap water.

Gnarly Head Old Vine Zinfandel 2015

Gnarly Head Old Vine Zinfandel 2015